Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Summer Sizzlers — 3. Portulaca grandiflora (Moss Rose, Portulaca, Sun Plant)

3. Portulaca, Moss rose (Hindi Names: Nonia, Gul-e shama)  

 Here’s the third one. It’s a commonly called ‘Protulaca’ or 'Moss Rose'.  
Moss rose is a prostrate, trailing, multi-branched annual with semi-succulent stems and leaves. It is a very common house-plant in sunny places in India. 

  • Botanical Name: Portulaca Grandiflora
  • Common Name: Portulaca, Moss Rose, Sun Plant.
  • Family name: Portulacaceae (Purslane Family)
  • Plant type: A flowering annual succulent, native to southern Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina.
  • Light: Full sun for best growth and flowering.
  • Moisture: Performs well with regular watering though can tolerate dry and hot conditions as well. Do allow soil to dry out between watering.
  • Soil: Grows best in well-drained sandy or gravelly soil. 
  • Propagation: Easily propagated by pinching off the Portulaca stems into 2-4 inches length, stick them directly into moist, sandy or loamy soil and locate them in a sunny area. Portulacas can also be propagated from seeds that are as tiny as dust, so mix the seeds with sand before sowing to make them easier to scatter, then rake in.
  • Features: Portulaca grandiflora is a low growing plant with a height of about 4-8 inches (15-20 cm) and a sprawling spread of 12-14 inches (30.5-35.5 cm). This fast growing and sun-loving annual succulent is multi-branched with brownish-red succulent stems and bright green leaves that are cylindrical, fleshy and pointed at the tips. Its ephemeral flowers are about an inch to 3 inches (7.6 cm) across, borne singly on terminal stems and come in many bright colors of rose pink, red, yellow, orange, purple, white or multi-colored with stripes or spots. It can be in single form, double or multi-petalled like the rose. Flowers open every morning in the sunshine and closes in the afternoon, night or on cloudy days.

  • Usage: Portulaca grandiflora is most ideal as ground cover for dry areas and rock gardens or sunny borders and beds, especially if planted with a mix of various cultivars to present a carpet of colors. It is fantastic as a hanging basket plant with its trailing branches and colorful blooms cascading over the basket or pot. Excellent too for container gardening or planter boxes, placed at balconies, window sills, patios and decks. Being very tolerant of hot and dry conditions. 

  • Care: Ross Moss are such tough and fuss-free annuals, almost thriving on neglect. Locate them where there is full sun and with sufficient watering, they’ll delight you with a continuous profusion of colorful blooms all year round or all summer long. Dead-heading is not required at all, though you may want to harvest seeds for next year’s planting or pinch off spent flowers to encourage flowering. Portulaca's are relatively pest and disease free.

Enjoy photos of Portulaca cultivars!!!

Happy Gardening !!